Thanks to Vaillant’s donation of £5,472 to Torus Foundation, during 2023, 31 young people have had the opportunity to engage in the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme through FireFit Youth and Community Hub.
While most of the donation covered all the equipment costs to enable young people to take part in the expeditions, the remainder paid for fees, transport costs and other expenses as part of the programme.
Two young people achieved all the requirements of the Bronze Award, while a further nine participants completed their practice expeditions. Hiking and camping in the open countryside was a new experience for these young people, many of whom had never left the city of Liverpool before.
The DofE expeditions required young people to demonstrate resilience and adaptability as they navigated challenges, built new skills, and developed deeper connections with nature. The expeditions also required young people to demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills, and they returned with greater confidence in their own abilities.
One of the young people who undertook the DofE programme through FireFit shared that they previously faced challenges with low mood, self-confidence, and autisticspectrum disorder. After becoming engaged in a number of activities at the Hub, they noticed an immediate and positive effect on their confidence, social skills and wellbeing.
While progressing onto other elements of the DofE programme, they were then able to develop strong and supportive relationships with other young people. As a result of their new sense of self-confidence, they have begun to participate in a local Youth Theatre project.
“I learnt to use a map, how to put a tent together, and enjoyed working as a team.” - Yusuf
“We got to discover new places and I loved how we made food like the old days without electricity!” - Myuaed
If your business or organisation would like to help enhance the impact being delivered to young people through Torus Foundation’s FireFit Youth and Community Hub, please do not hesitate to contact Fundraising via
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Get in touch
FireFit Youth and Community Hub
115 Upper Warwick Street
L8 8HD
0300 123 5809
Registered charity in England and Wales (1152903).
Opening times
Monday to Friday | 8:00am - 9:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am - 6:00pm |
Sunday | 9:00am - 5:00pm |