Join us for an exciting, free packed programme during the Summer.
We’ve got a mixture of old favourites and brand NEW activities to enjoy with the team here at FireFit.
Try your hand at cooking, build skills in photography or the Duke of Edinburgh Award, put your talents to use on our pilot podcast, boost your mood and wellbeing with walks in the fresh air and more!
Activities will run throughout the day and don’t forget our usual afternoon/evening Youth Zone and Youth Gym offer.
A free lunch will also be provided!
Check out the full programme times at in the Youth Zone.
Some activities will have limited spaces, so make sure you speak to the team about booking onto the different sessions. / 0300 123 5809
Sporty sessions, crafty activities, ideas to boost your mood and get you making new friends, build skills and confidence but most importantly - HAVE FUN!
Monday & Tuesday 4pm – 5pm Variety of activities
Wednesday 6pm – 8pm Junior Transition Prog if you’re moving into Year 7
Thursday & Friday 5pm – 6pm Variety of activities
Saturday 1pm – 3.30pm Variety of activities
We’ve not listed which activities are taking place each night as we’re going to see what you the young members are keen to get involved with that night.
Any questions you or your family might have before coming along, speak to the team / 0300 123 5809
Get in touch
FireFit Youth and Community Hub
115 Upper Warwick Street
L8 8HD
0300 123 5809
Registered charity in England and Wales (1152903).
Opening times
Monday to Friday | 8:00am - 9:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am - 6:00pm |
Sunday | 9:00am - 5:00pm |